Thursday 13 May 2010

Week 14 - The Healthy Alternative

5-A-Day and lot's of fresh air.
The sun was out, so we went to the outdoor classroom to record the pupil reactions to the Teacher Comfort answers. Without giving too much away, the pupils were a little more healthy in their advise for eating and exercise. Just as we finished our few short clips it started to rain. So we came in, dried the camera and spent 30 minutes touching up our storyboards. Next week, more animating. AD

Filming in Bowerham's own meadow.

1 comment:

  1. You know how the teachers talked about lying on a lilo, eating chocolate and drinking wine- we are so much healthier. You might drink wine in later years, but it would be nice to still have fruit juice.
    P.S I'm still doing animations... just doing lots of script.


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